The post-academic courses Delft

Client Post Academic Education for Technology and Management
Delivered product Website with Coachview Integration
Platform WordPress, Coachview

FBI Digital’s Coachview Integration for WordPress: A Masterpiece in Post-Academic Education

The Post Academic Education for Technology and Management (PAOTM) at TU Delft is a well-established name in the field of advanced education in technology and management. When we were approached with the question of whether we could assist in developing a new website with a Coachview integration, we were immediately enthusiastic. And so, we got to work.

In our initial meeting, we thoroughly discussed the current situation, who PAOTM is, and the goals they wanted to achieve with the new website. The choice to work with Coachview, the course management system, was also a key focus.


PAOTM aimed to streamline their course organization so that staff could focus less on error-prone manual work and technical issues. Instead, their focus needed to be on smoothly managing the planning and organization of their courses.

FBI Digital was chosen as their partner due to our proven experience with Coachview integrations and expertise in building user-friendly WordPress websites. PAOTM was looking for a reliable partner who could not only realize the technical integration but also think strategically about improving user experience and optimizing their processes.

Project scope

PAOTM needed a user-friendly, easily manageable website with a modern design and seamless integration with Coachview. The goal was to automate enrollments and student information management. Additionally, the website had to provide a better user experience with clear navigation and call-to-actions.

In the long term, PAOTM plans to use tools like Hotjar to analyze visitor behavior and further optimize the website.

Our solution

The correct setup of Coachview is crucial for a smooth integration with the website. Therefore, we started with a thorough check of the platform to ensure that the integration would run smoothly, and up-to-date information on courses and enrollments would be guaranteed.

After this technical check, we designed a user-friendly, modern website that aligns with PAOTM’s needs. The focus was on an intuitive experience for both students and administrators. The navigation was clearly laid out so that visitors could easily find the information they needed and register for courses seamlessly. Additionally, we ensured that PAOTM could easily manage the website and course information themselves.

We worked in 2-week sprints, with each step aligned closely with PAOTM. Before development started, we discussed all tasks in a backlog and clearly defined the ‘Definition of Done’ during the kick-off meeting, ensuring everyone had the same expectations.

This approach delivered a solution that works not only today but is also ready for future growth and optimizations.

To tailor the project to PAOTM’s needs, we asked several questions beforehand:

  • Which courses need to be prominently displayed?
  • Who are your primary customers?
  • How does PAOTM differentiate from competitors?
  • Which target groups do you want to reach?
  • What are the Unique Selling Points?
  • Can we review the statistics from the past year?
  • Which websites inspire you in terms of style?

Technologies & services

We chose proven techniques for this project. Coachview was integrated into WordPress via an API, allowing course data to be displayed on the correct parts of the website and automatically processed during form submissions. To further optimize the technology, we later added webhooks. This minimized the number of API requests and enabled real-time updates. This reduces the load on the Coachview API and prevents data limits from being exceeded. The biggest advantage is that course data on the website is always synchronized with Coachview, making it easy for staff to verify information directly on the site.


The new website has significantly improved PAOTM’s processes. Where manual work and error-prone processes previously limited efficiency, the automated workflow now saves time and provides real-time updates of course data. Thanks to the addition of webhooks, data limits are no longer exceeded, and reliability has further improved.

PAOTM can now easily manage their course information, making work easier for staff. They also utilize our service management for support and further development. This implementation is seen as a great success by both parties and provides a solid foundation for future growth.

Below, you can read what PAOTM themselves say about our collaboration!


  • Real-time course updates via webhooks
  • Direct integration between Spotler and Coachview
  • EDU-DEX integration for external portals
  • API integration between Coachview and WordPress
  • Efficient workflow automation
  • Scalable solution ready for growth
  • Enhanced reliability through API optimization

Since 2023, we have transitioned our course administration to Coachview, which also meant a renewal of our website. FBI Digital incorporated our wishes into a beautiful and functional design, and designed a solid integration between the website and Coachview. All the necessary data from Coachview is properly accessible on the site and regularly updated. At the same time, all registrations via the website are directly processed in Coachview. Additionally, a connection has been made with EDU-DEX, making our courses visible on various learning platforms. We are very satisfied with our collaboration!

Sjoerd Starrenburg and Linda Visser PAOTM Communication Department

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