Web provider for a government enterprise in transition

Client EBN
Delivered product UX design, website development, project partnership, hosting, maintenance
Platform WordPress, custom development

From inward-focused geologists’ club to public-friendly discussion leader for the energy transition

Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and part of the government, has been proudly partnered with FBI Digital since 2016. Since the start of our collaboration, EBN has undergone a radical transformation in their communication and brand proposition.


Previously, EBN primarily focused on subsurface research, operating behind the scenes. While the organization was known for its technical expertise, it played a lesser role in the public debate on energy issues. With the increasing urgency of the energy transition, EBN recognized the need to take on a more active and visible role in society. This required a fundamental shift not only in their corporate mission but also in their approach to external communication. Consequently, EBN embarked on a comprehensive transformation, positioning itself as a discussion leader in the energy transition, aiming to foster public and political dialogue on these crucial topics. This process involved developing new communication strategies and a cultural shift within the organization to embrace openness and public engagement.

The assignment

EBN approached us with a specific request: transform our website to reflect our new role as a leader in the energy transition discussion. They sought a site that would not only support their revised communication strategy but also make the complex themes of the energy transition accessible and understandable to a broad audience. Specifically, they asked for a restructuring of the content, ensuring the design seamlessly aligned with their renewed strategic priorities. EBN’s communication department formed a focus group to work with our team in shaping this transition.

Our solution

As a sparring partner, we worked closely with EBN, creating a website within a year that clearly highlights EBN’s core themes. Key elements included developing a new navigation and theme structure, with particular attention to accessibility in accordance with government site guidelines.

Techniques & services

We utilized our UX expertise to optimize EBN’s website. A crucial focus was on mobile design to ensure the site performs excellently on smartphones and tablets. We also improved performance and findability, essential for a good user experience and SEO ranking. All of this was developed on the WordPress platform with a custom PHP framework.

The result

In close collaboration with the EBN focus team, we fully transformed the website. Despite an earlier update to their corporate identity, this was a significant redevelopment. Among other enhancements, we added a bilingual, extensive scientific knowledge base, providing a rich source of information for both professionals and the public.

The renewed site now serves as a dynamic platform for EBN’s events, such as the Energy Breakfast, and offers space for podcasts, transition talks, news, and in-depth project descriptions. These improvements have not only increased the website’s accessibility and informational value but also enhanced the visibility of EBN’s initiatives.

The project resulted in a satisfied client, confirming the continuation of our collaboration for the next four years. We have established clear service agreements to ensure the website remains current and relevant, which is crucial for the dynamic nature of the energy transition.

View project


  • Clear public communication
  • Focus on user experience (UX)
  • Comprehensive information restructuring
  • Implementation of knowledge base
  • Enhanced (mobile) accessibility
  • Partnership is key to success

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