Data visualization excel records

Client APS Milieu
Delivered product Data visualization for soil investigation location
Platform Laravel, Mapbox, Google docs

One image is worth more than 12,000 records


Our neighbors, experts in soil research, have conducted over 12,000 projects and amassed a vast amount of data. Initially stored in an Excel file, finding specific information in this data deluge became increasingly difficult, akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. This challenge brought them to us with a specific request.

Project request

From the outset, it was clear what was needed to assist our neighbors, the soil researchers. The challenge lay in transforming an Excel file, overloaded with data, into a format that was more accessible and usable. Traditional spreadsheets did not offer the necessary overview and were impractical for field workers. Although all the data was already centralized in a Google Doc, the question remained: how can we make this data more visually comprehensible? A key objective was to ensure that field workers could quickly and easily access information while conducting soil research.

The solution

We conceived the idea of an interactive map. Simply put, we converted the postal codes to GPS coordinates, enabling us to pin each location on a digital map. We achieved this using Mapbox, a tool that helped us visualize everything. Each location was color-coded based on the type of research, and by zooming in, users could see increasing levels of detail. It works super intuitively. We also added a search field, making it easy to navigate through the data. Convenient, right?

Techniques & services

A good neighbor is better than a distant friend, and that was certainly true for this project. Plenty of coffee and a bit of community spirit got us far, but the real work was done with some smart tech choices. We built the web application with PHP and customized it to our specific needs. For the interactive maps, we chose Mapbox due to its flexibility and power. The original data, still stored in a Google spreadsheet, was directly integrated, allowing us to work quickly and efficiently without having to rebuild everything from scratch. ‘Smart reuse of existing resources: less work, lower costs, faster results.’

The result

The new interactive map is a great success. All projects can now be visually reviewed at a glance, with the ability to zoom in for details—comparable to Google Maps. This intuitive system enhances quick access to information in the field and works excellently on mobile devices, essential for field workers. New projects can easily be added via Excel, facilitating the transition for users. In short, the project has significantly improved the accessibility and efficiency of data use, much to the satisfaction of our neighbors.


  • Direct access to project data
  • Rapid implementation
  • Data visualization
  • Reduced data search time
  • Usable on-site
  • Seamless integration with existing workflows

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